Thank you for visiting my website! Check out the art, peruse the books, and give the blog a read.

But before you start clicking and scrolling, please consider this urgent question:

Where will you spend eternity?

The Bible offers two choices: heaven or hell.

Do you know where you’re headed?

The Bible points out that we have all blown it (sinned - breaking God’s commands) and deserve to be punished. The wages of that sin is death. But God loves us so much that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross in payment for our sins and raised Him back to life.

If we will admit our sin, believe that Jesus died for us, ask for forgiveness, and confess Jesus as Lord, we can be saved and receive eternal life.

It’s a simple decision but also the most important one of your life: heaven or hell?

You can be certain of your eternal destination right now by putting your faith in Jesus Christ.

A word about my books: You can find most of them - new and old - on Amazon.

A word about my art: Original pastels are for sale at Artrepreneur! Prints and pillows (?!) are available at Fine Art America. Take a look, order a dozen or two.

Email me if you have questions. Thanks again for visiting!
